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Carly Simon


Lyrics by: Carly Simon
Music by: Carly Simon & Mike Mainieri

Golden rock'n'roll man
Breaking all of the records and rules
Sold out in an hour
The stage is your own bedroom
I have your poster close to my bed
Earphones glued to my head
But I'd rather have you in my arms instead

And I'd be better than I was before
If only I had you
If only I had
If only I had
If only I had your
Your glamour is golden
I'd feel so important
If only I knew you
I want to be near you

Then I got to meet you
And your gold glitter fell all over me
Then I shook your hand
Took some of your luster
I told my friends that you were just a man
Real nice, not tough
None of that phony star stuff
And I'm better than I was before
Because I have you
Because I have
Because I have
Because I have your
Your glamour is golden
I feel so important
Now that I'm holding you
Now that I know you

Pete Hewlett: Electric guitar
Tony Levin: Bass
Mike Mainieri: Phrophet 5, OBX
Rick Marotta: Drums
Sid McGinnis: Lead guitar and solo
Ed Walsh: Oberheim 8 voice, programming
Background vocals: Carly Simon and James Taylor

© 1980 Quackenbush Publ. / Redeye Music Publ. Co.